We cannot separate moral, scientific and logical truth from our actions
if we are to succeed. The truth is the truth. It cannot be ignored or
denied. For this reason, the pro-
life begins at conception and ends at natural death, will succeed.
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We believe that each person was created in the image of God, each with a divine purpose.
Regional Conference,
To view the entire Conference click here.
Personhood Conference Deemed a Success:
Participants Look Forward to Personhood Victory
September 13, 2010 -
The event sponsored by Personhood Kansas and Right to Life of Kansas featured representatives
Keith Mason and Cal Zastrow from Personhood USA and Johanna Dasteel from the American
Life League. Other participants included Gualberto Garcia Jones, Attorney and President
of Personhood Colorado; Rev. Walter Hoye, leader of the California Human Rights Amendment
Initiative Drive; Rebecca Kiessling, Attorney and International Pro-
The theme of the conference was answering the distortions and legal objections to personhood measures and focusing on the strategic significance of the movement in ending abortion.
Attendees from Colorado were pleased to report on their successful efforts to place a constitutional amendment on the November, 2010 ballot. Amendment 62 would define the word “person” to include all human beings from their biological beginnings.
More than a dozen in attendance traveled from the great state of Oklahoma. They utilized the opportunity to network with national personhood leaders and are excited to report that they will be launching a personhood initiative drive soon.
“We’re grateful for the wonderful personhood leaders in attendance who were able to share both their legal expertise and their experience in working on successful personhood campaigns. The conference bore much fruit, and we go forth with a renewed spirit to pursue personhood measures, protect the preborn, and end the institution of abortion throughout the nation.” said Keith Ashley of Personhood Kansas.