Right to Life of Kansas exists for a singular purpose: to restore legal protection
for the inalienable right to life of all the citizens of our state, whether born
or pre-
We believe that, “Even though most regulatory-
Our Life Defense Committee recommends an article by Dianne N. Irving, Ph.D. explaining the far reaching consequences of
scientifically inaccurate definitions of a “human being”. Read more.
Do you think you are pregnant?
Do you need help?
We cannot separate moral, scientific and logical truth from our actions
if we are to succeed. The truth is the truth. It cannot be ignored or
denied. For this reason, the pro-
life begins at conception and ends at natural death, will succeed.
Mention of a person or group or a person's or group's publication does not constitute an endorsement of all the work, publications and/or information of such person or group. Unless otherwise noted, pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
Information is copyright protected by Right To Life of Kansas, Inc.
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This amendment will recognize the rights of every human person. Read more.
A new report shows it is imperative to look in the mirror and to assess progress towards ending abortion. Get report.
The theme of the Midwest Personhood Pro-
This little guy is a celebrity before birth. View video.
American Life League reports on what Planned Parenthood stands to gain from federal health care reform legislation. View video.
We believe that each person was created in the image of God, each with a divine purpose.