We cannot separate moral, scientific and logical truth from our actions
if we are to succeed. The truth is the truth. It cannot be ignored or
denied. For this reason, the pro-
life begins at conception and ends at natural death, will succeed.
Information is copyright protected by Right To Life of Kansas, Inc.
Mention of a person or group or a person's or group's publication does not constitute an endorsement of all the work, publications and/or information of such person or group. Unless otherwise noted, pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
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We believe that each person was created in the image of God, each with a divine purpose.
2013 Legislative Report
In his 1986 book entitled "50 Questions on Abortion, Euthanasia and Related Issues,”
Professor Charles E. Rice comments on a landmark turn of events in the history of
the pro-
Says Professor Rice:
The HLB would have used Congress' power to enforce the Fourteenth Amendment to define, as a matter of law, that all human beings are persons from conception. Unlike a constitutional amendment, the HLB required only a majority vote in each house. President Reagan, newly elected in the 1980 landslide, was on record as supporting it. The HLB had momentum and there was a strong prospect that it could be enacted.
Here, however, is where the movement's history takes a decisive turn. Lobbyists claiming
to represent the pro-
In the 27 years since that book was written, a litany of intended restrictions have
been enacted by Kansas legislators trying to stay within limits permitted by the
Supreme Court: limiting taxpayer subsidy for post-
As Professor Rice comments, it is pointless to disparage those who think it a matter
of being practical "to accept some legalized abortion while trying to save some lives
by enacting piecemeal protections.” We do, however, also agree with the professor
when he writes that this allegedly practical approach is "not only wrong but futile
and so is any pro-