We cannot separate moral, scientific and logical truth from our actions
if we are to succeed. The truth is the truth. It cannot be ignored or
denied. For this reason, the pro-
life begins at conception and ends at natural death, will succeed.
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We believe that each person was created in the image of God, each with a divine purpose.
Why We Oppose
§ Right To Life of Kansas believes as Stop Planned Parenthood and columnist Barbara Kralis state.
§ STOPP, a division of American Life League, writes:
§ “We firmly believe that it is time the pro-
§ “Much scientific evidence of what really happens in the womb has come to light
in the last 40 years. We can no longer ignore the truth and let Planned Parenthood
define the battle. Killing a newly created human being by not allowing her to implant
in the womb is a chemical abortion. Since every Planned Parenthood facility, whether
it be a full health clinic, an express clinic, or a contracted services office, is
involved in distributing products that cause these chemical abortions, every Planned
Parenthood medical facility is an abortion facility.”(excerpt from the STOPP Report,
§ Barbara Kralis, a writer for numerous Catholic publications writes:
§ “There are myriad false perceptions on what constitutes being pro-
§ “This fact, that some groups are not really pro-
§ “There is only one correct defense if we are to stop the killing of babies. We
must be pro-
§ Right To Life of Kansas has consistently and publicly espoused the true TOTAL PROTECTION plan.
§ The pro-
§ NARALProchoiceAmerica lists the 1965 US Supreme Court decision, Griswold, as the first important court ruling giving women “reproductive freedom.” It was in Griswold where the Court first found the constitutional ‘right to privacy.’ That decision gave ‘married women’ the right to easy access to contraception. By 1973 , in the Roe v Wade decision, this ‘right to privacy’ was deemed by the Court to be ‘a fundamental constitutional right’ and thus allowed women to murder their baby before she is born.
§ When the pro-